Friday, December 5, 2008
Company Girls Unite!!
Posted by Ridenour Family at 10:22 AM 5 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This One's For The Books!!!
Come on in. Take a load off. Pick your poison... coffee or tea? We've got both! Boy Howdy, was this the time of my life! The cliche Small Thing by Rachel Anne really got my wheels a turnin'! Feast your eyes on this:
Golly Gee Willikers! In a nutshell, I gathered all of the library books and media in our house and returned them! It all boils down to first I thought I bit off more than I could chew! I started going postal since I couldn't put my finger on all of them. My husband told me not to fly off the handle and take it slow and steady, one step at a time! Don't have a cow! Boy, was that just what the doctor ordered! I took a deep breath, and thought, "It's now or never!" We banded together to beat the odds! You sure can't put anything past him! He found the books like a madman! He is really on the ball! I returned 13 books and 2 movies! Boy howdy! I hate to say this, but, that wasn't so bad, now was it? Piece of cake!
(I LOVE cliches! Once, I took a college class with a professor who poured them on thick in his lectures. It was so bad that my girlfriends and I kept a running list of them as he used them. He was serious in his usage, too! He somehow incorporated "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" on a regular basis!!! We followed suit and used them in our language as much as possible!)
Posted by Ridenour Family at 7:42 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Home Ec Project
I'm doing a really interesting Home Economics Course here. Check it out!
Posted by Ridenour Family at 5:34 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Menu for November 17-23
Menu planning is always a fun challenge for me! (am I a nerd? yes) But seriously, there are so many factors that come into play. First of all, finding meals that each person in our family will eat is a challenge in and of itself. It seems that if Haydn likes something, Hutch doesn't. And vice-versa! I always note which meals are eaten by all, and we often repeat these! Another factor that I have to consider is our schedule. Depending on what our day looks like, I may have to be sure to plan a crockpot meal. Or something that I can easily transport to John if I have to meet him somewhere directly from work. Maybe it needs to be something very very quick. Or something that can be taken to a potluck that we have for that evening. I also always try to remember the price as well. If I have a couple of more expensive meals in the week, I balance them with some cheapies! I also love to try out new recipes! I have learned the hard way that it is probably not a great idea to try new recipes every night of the week. First of all, you are taking a gamble as to whether or not your family will even like them. Also, it's nice to use recipes mixed in from your family's favorite because it is just easier on you as the cook! Once you get to know a recipe, you can switch into autopilot and go for it. You aren't constantly stopping to read a recipe and figure things out. As many of you know, meal planning is not as easy as it looks! I'm always up for a challenge. That being said, here is our menu for this week.
Monday 17: Vegetable Beef Soup/Crackers/homemade applesauce
Tuesday 18:Tuna & Noodle Casserole/Rolls
Wednesday 19: Choose-your-own Omelettes/Bacon/Hash browns
Thursday 20: Salisbury Steak/Broccoli/Smashed Potatoes/Sugar Cookies
Friday 21: Homemade Pizza/Apple Pie
Saturday 22: Taco Soup/Fritos/Quesadillas
We also don't plan anything on Sundays. We always eat lunch after church at my mom's house, and usually end up there for supper as well. If not, we just scrounge!
Posted by Ridenour Family at 5:38 AM 2 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Coffee Time!

In fulfilling another Small Thing, I'm looking forward to having some fun with my husband this weekend ! (;
Posted by Ridenour Family at 10:19 AM 5 comments