The Family plaque was a birthday gift from my mom this year. I love it! This is in our bedroom.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Posted by Ridenour Family at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Company Girl Coffee 2.20
Hi there! Great to have you over! Today is a day home, and a night in, at our house. Besides going to and from school for Haydn (which is right across the road!), we are home to stay! I love being home, especially since it feels more like a home-which I owe hugely to Rachel Anne and her Small Things! (could I possibly say the word home more in one paragraph?)
Last night, I had to laugh because all of the kids were in bed, John was surfing the net for hot rod truck building stuff. I came up from the basement with a bunch of empty organizing containers, and was stalking the house. I said, "What do we have around our house that is floating around and needs a home?" He said, "Are you getting points?!" Smart man! He came up with the idea of his guitar "stuff". So I got a pretty basket that I've been dying to use, and gave his music, picks, and tuner an address!
*Concerning the electric slide: We like to dance around here! We are true boogiers! We are always gettin' our groove on. We're that family on the dance floor the whole time at a family wedding, laughing our heads off! (except for a break to the chocolate fountain here and there!) The problem is, my husband has this ongoing boycott of "organized line dancing". He thinks it's a cop-out for people who are too scared or boring to express themselves by dancing (I think it's called interpretive dancing-ha) This man is a trooper. He'll go to great lengths to make me happy, and happiness equates with POINTS! He drew the line, though, when I told him I'd like him to do the electric slide with me for points. Hey, everyone has their limits, and I'll respect that!
Posted by Ridenour Family at 6:58 AM 9 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Company Girl Coffee 2.13
Come on in! Pull up a new seat! (We got a new dining room table and chairs this week! Our old one was sooo wobbly that our 3 year old actually kissed the new one when we got it. It really was that bad!)
Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE Rachel Anne's Home Sanctuary, and her Small Things? Yeah?! Well, I do love her kind spirit and great sense of humour! I also love the way that our home feels more like a safe haven from all of the Small Things that I complete.
Monday was my birthday, so I was especially pleased when we got to print and hang the verse instead of cleaning (:
I'd have to say my favorite thing, though, was the Sticky one. I love it when she gives us wiggle room for creativity every once in awhile. I decided to have the boys sit down and do a sticky craft after school. We always have such a fun time together doing crafts, but I hate to admit that it doesn't happen nearly as often as it should. Today we decided to build little dogs out of pom poms to put on their bookbags. (I got the kit at Wal-Mart a long time ago)

He takes care of our silly points a lot of the time!

**For Valentine's Day, we usually don't do much because my hubby is a lot like Rachel Anne's (his thoughts on the holiday, AND his perpetual romantic-ness *hee hee*) Tonight, our Youth Group at Church is offering Free Babysitting, so how can you turn that down?!!! We will be spending some time together tonight-even if it means eating at Taco Bell and going to Goodwill, just aimlessly driving around, and hanging out at Wal-Mart (nothing like an evening like that to make you feel like you're in college again!) Thanks for stopping in, and I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!
Posted by Ridenour Family at 6:21 AM 11 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
Company Girl Coffee 2.6
Hey! I'm glad that you dropped in! This week I've kinda slacked on Rachel Anne's Home Sanctuary Small Things. I did complete three out of five, so that's not too shabby! Today's Small Thing is GREAT! Doing something to feel like a woman (with bonus points for flirting, etc., but we'll just leave it at that!) I have been thinking about this a lot lately, and found a fun "list" of things to do once a week as a beauty routine (doesn't that sound sooooo fancy?!) It's old-fashioned and from some early 1900s book, but the idea is charming, I think! And, some things are done WAY more than once a week, like wash your hair, but anyway... it's the point! Take a look if you want. I've thought about making my own list of weekly "beauty maintenance" things and choosing one night and saying, "I'm going in the bathroom. Unless the house is on fire, don't bother me!" and doing it. That hasn't happened either, but a girl can dream! Do you do anything like this?
Posted by Ridenour Family at 6:02 AM 10 comments