Is it May already?!! I've always heard it said that time gets faster the older you get. I am seeing what people mean, now! I've also heard that Time Flies when you're having fun. That could be part of it, too! (:
I am sooo excited about tomorrow morning. My small community is having its semi-annual garage sale, and my mom is coming down so we can go check all 40 of them out! ha. Okay, maybe not *all* of them, but... maybe 39! After we have had our fill of them, we're going to my great aunt's to get a bunch of rhubarb. How many different ways can you make rhubarb? I may be about to find out! This rhubarb adventure started when my neighbor told me a couple of weeks ago that he wanted me to make him a rhubarb pie, jokingly, sort of! (; I said if he could get some for me, I'd be happy to. We couldn't think of anywhere, so the idea kind of died. Later, I remembered from when I was young, going to my great aunts and picking rhubarb. She is elderly now and doesn't use it much anymore, so her son said that we are welcome to all we want. I remember huge amounts of the stuff-and that was when she used a lot, too! But, that was also 25 years ago! I am excited to surprise my neighbor (and my aunt) with a pie! Thanks for stopping in, I hope your weekend is superb!

Good luck with the pie...I am not a rhubarb person, so I am not sure what all you can make with it...have fun experimenting!
Haha I don't even know what rhubarb is. I probably should. Pie sounds good, though. :)
Have fun at the garage sales!! I love going to them, too. :)
A third of the year is over! I can't believe it either. I think I've only had rhubarb once in my 29 years of life. hehe I just know you can make pie with it. Have fun with your garage sales finds.
*gasp* Kara doesn't know what rhubarb is!
Not a big fan of pie, but I looove my mom's rhubarb crisp and am debating whether to put some in my backyard.
Haha no I don't know what rhubarb is. I'm still learning about this whole cooking and baking thing. :)
You're a sweet neighbor! Isn't it fun to do things for those around us! I know what rhubarb is but I've never had any. Wish you could send out samples. :)
Hope all goes well. Have a great weekend!
Lydia Cate
Ohhh! Sounds like fun! Have a wonderful weekend!
I remember when I was little and going to my nana's where she had a rhubarb patch. Se would let us go out to the garden w/a saucer that had white sugar on it...we would pick a stalk of rhubarb and dip it in the sugar and eat it....I had forgotten abt it til I read your post...thanks for the memory jog!
My grandparents always had rhubarb...canned rhubard, rhubarb pie, rhubard crisp....yum. I love a good strawberry/rhubarb pie...ala mode of course.
I hope you find some treasures garage saling! I picked up a couple of great chairs for 25.00 ea at the last church garage sale. Felt like I'd won the jackpot!! what a high.
Have a great day!
Good Morning! I hardly ever get around enough for coffee on Fridays so I'm dropping by your place on Saturday. Hope that's ok!
Strawberry Rhubarb pie is one of my favorites! My grandma used to make it with fresh strawberries and rhubarb from her garden. Oh, how I miss homemade pie. Guess I could call her and get the recipe if I get really motivated!
The garage sale sounds like fun! I have been wanting to get out to some of the ones around here since the weather turned nice, but my schedule hasn't permitted it. (Unless I want to drag five kids along!)
Have a super time!
Sounds like a full weekend for you - and a lot of fun! I've actually never had rhubarb, but hear it's wonderful. Maybe one day I'll get adventureous. Hope you find sound garage sale treasures!
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